Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Bathrobes are the new black

What a day! Twice! Yesterday I stopped by Ruth's for a chat and breakfast and we ended up on an all day adventure that included, but was not limited to, driving into a cloud full of many, many sheep, going from sun to freezing wind and rain and back again, circling what must have been a hundred roundabouts (many of which I had to go roundabout twice), one million olive trees, half a million almond trees, miles and miles of roads that would give a dead person a panic attack, hundreds of breathtaking views, and a couple of wolves glimpsed in the distance. It was a full day. I slept well. Got up and didn't exactly do it again, but was lucky enough to have a second day of laughs and exploring this amazing place.

Today we started off at yoga (thanks, Ruth!) and then sailed off into the sunny day. Just when I think I've seen too many stunning views to remember, someone takes me to see some more. We drove down into a huge pine forest park where we were the only people, stopped along the way at the Venta de la Nada (I kid you not, I have a photo of the sign), and ended up in Colmenar at a great bar from which I observed a woman walking down the street in her pajamas and bathrobe to sit with a friend at the bar opposite us (yes, every building is a bar here). I thought it was kind of special, and tried to snap a photo. I was too far away and it looks in the photo as if she's just a pretty woman in a long jacket. Which makes me a really bad photographer, I guess. If you read the post about going into church in Comares your bathrobe count will be 2 now. Two women walking around town in a bathrobe. In Comares it makes more sense because hey, it's a small village, and I'm sure everyone ends up seeing everyone else in a bathrobe eventually. Colmenar, however, is a medium sized town with loads of people who may not even know each other. So I'm giving the second bathrobe a little more attention, even if the first one was purple with white stars, which is very cute.

Tomorrow I still have the car till noon, and will be driving to Malaga alone to turn it in. No co-pilot. If I don't post for a few days, check the hospitals.

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