Sunday, December 2, 2012

I'll have what she's having

Every once in a while I share the list of what supplements I'm taking because I think it's really interesting to find out what works for people and it seems all of my friends have health secrets we'd all benefit from learning - but who stands around listing their favorite vitamins? Besides me, I mean. 

My post today isn't an endorsement of any health treatment - we are each responsible for doing our own research on suggested products and evaluating for ourselves whether or not it's worth a try or if it applies to our personal health needs. 

That said, I'd love to hear any comments, feedback, wisdom, cautionary tales, etc...

So here is the list of things I currently choose not to live without:

maca - energy - fountain of youth, people, fountain of youth

Raw Kombucha - enzymes - I needed these my whole life and only stumbled upon recently.

dhq (Siberian Larch tree extract) - stamina, energy

reishi mushrooms - Google the benefits - too many to go into here.

New Chapter Every Woman II - best all around multi-vitamin I’ve found. Miles ahead of the others.

resveratrol - reverses cellular aging

cat’s claw - improves dna copying

molasses (organic, unsulphured blackstrap molasses) - iron, magnesium, potassium - best source of iron I have ever used, including Floradix.

probiotics - gut bacteria

copper (chelated) - we don't get enough of most minerals

bamboo extract - for skin and hair

topical magnesium oil - for cell function - nothing short of a miracle!

Himalayan pink salt

oregano oil (wildcrafted, in olive oil)

chia seeds

raw cacao

raw, organic coconut oil - how did I ever live without this?

goji berries - superfood and great snack

astaxanthan - a colorful, fat-soluble pigment found in microalgae, yeast, salmon, trout, krill, shrimp, crayfish, crustaceans, and the feathers of some birds. It’s harvested from the sea, and sold in capsules. One of the richest sources of antioxidants available, it gives noticeable protection from the sun after a couple of months of regular use.

So happy researching to you, and I hope you'll drop a comment here if you have a health secret you'd like to pass on :)

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Gay marriage blah blah blah

The gay marriage debate...on the one hand, and on a strictly personal point - I am not interested in getting married, so that's not why I am behind it so intensely. And it's boring - it's such a no brainer of a debate, which is why when it goes to court the results are always the same. But it does need to pass, on the other hand.

This morning a client asked me, "Would you have gotten married if you could have? I mean, have you wanted to get married and not been able to?" Out comes "Yes!" faster than I could even think it.

I wanted to get married ( and should have been able to) and the fact that I could not definitely changed my life. Everything that happened around that was a source of incredible growth and change for several years.

I needed to get married for visa reasons and couldn't. I can't tell this story so I won't - suffice to say the stress and sense of terrible defeat that came with being gay and from different countries, neither of which yet allowed gay marriage was crushing. It was unreal - and we suffered everything from Immigration agents mocking us to deciding how many laws I was willing to break in order not to have my heart break fatally through forced separation. Some people one cannot live without. Hopefully we all have someone like that in our lives. The fact that people are okay destroying others' lives and hearts and futures by refusing to recognize everyone's right to marry and keep the people without whom they cannot live close, is unacceptable, as it always has been.

The thing is, if you asked me on a given day if I believe in marriage (marriage in general) or not I would more likely say no, than yes. I have become so used to the fact that I can't do this very simple thing, that I have convinced myself I would not choose it. I cannot conceive of being able to get married to a woman. Now I have no idea - I would like the chance to find out.